Monday, July 16, 2012

Clown Town by Mau Mau (T-Shirt THTC) GET ONE ON!

Huge props to the legendary Mau Mau for his summary of the situation the majority of British and world citizens are confronted with, trying to take the Olympic Games seriously, or not that serious that London requires Rapier missiles on top of tower blocks.

Please visit the site and pick up a T-Shirt before the games begin.

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Set to be a THTC classic, the 'Clown Town' design echos what millions of Londoners are feeling towards one particular event that is taking place in our once great town this Summer. Sadly, although this event has the potential to show London as a great City, we have instead sold it off to the highest, oftern most polluting corporate sponsors.
This event could be promoting and celebrating ethical business, but instead is being used to promote fast food, horrific drinks, one very polluting chemical company and various other far-from-wholesome companies and corporations.

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