Sunday, November 7, 2010

Smoking a fat Stourbridge cone

Up the Stourbridge Glass cone went our lonely hero. 
Up and out the top of great Glass factory where 
Stourbridge Clay lead to a Crystal meme sale.

Royal Clay from the earth,
Mud and clay people, clay artists
And what is Industry? Who owns it and how?

Sandstone and Rocks of earth,
 Geological formations, coal, bones, calcium
 Oil are from the earth, how
can we own them?

Who’s industry and patent, who’s business?
Earth business and man business.
 Trees and paper.
 Rivers and River banks.

What is money and how did it get that way
In Stourbridge 
Who set the gold standard?
 How are Royals majestic? 
Why no Glass pipes in Stourbridge?

Who’s pencil that draws the boundary
Who’s eye’s to perceive the line, the divisions
And divisions. 
Who’s visions and translations of God.
Who’s Christ Jesus story,
Who’s pen, who’s now
Who’s when?
What Gods give the all seeing eye?
Who’s shepherd and who’s sheep?
Where in the small print?
What authority do you claim on this earth here?

Who’s feet and hands walked and dug,
Work for who and for what?
God and Earth, God or Earth.
Who measures the weight, 
How did the instruments get that way?
What is your margin of error tolerance?
What about humans who did not vote
How can you represent us, Oh Politician?
How can you represent Earth or God
Truth and sanity? 

How do you represent?
What media do you share, what is private
And what is public representation.

All property maybe theft,
All things may lead back to earth
Why laws prohibiting Marijuana and LSD
And tax breaks for Monsanto, Glaxosmith?

Open source education, on-line schooling
Open Source Omniversity is underway
I am a proponent of the shared arts of
We are the Maybe Logic Academy
See Magick, NLP, and Non-Euclidean politics.

We are the representatives of the Black Country
We draw the lines and erase the boundaries
We are the creative heart of the Blackcountry
Writers, poets, painters, sculptors, dancers.

Art is our shared language of resistance
To reshape and edit our worlds, shared worlds
Shared Inhabited realities, built by urban Shaman
Shared through voluntary risk and struggle.

Artists and the equivalence theory?
10’000 hours of hard crafting and grafting
 vs. 5 seconds it takes sign a contract?
And forward along the credit,
 Borrowed from the Royal chest,
Bottomless, Jewel encrusted and in league
With the printers of the majestic paper?
 Who makes the paper Majestic and how?

What economic knowledge?
Excuse me, usury?

Basic truth of fairness and equality
To have equal share of the profits 
Divided honestly and equally,
Economics without distortion and the 
Genghis Kahn virus:
The biggest and most powerful,
The richest and most brutal

 I present Open Source Economies
Transparency and new Social Credit systems
Employment seems a kind of disease,
Spreading bad business practice, bully boy tactics
Lawyer Run Capitalism.

The core of Conservative Rule.
The core of Deaf Labour,

 And even the liberals hate the poor
What of sub minorities?
 Why highlight something as flimsy as race?
 To base wrongheaded policy and funding scheme?
What do you mean?

You do not represent me, my friends and my experiences
 Within the territory you claim to represent.
 In fact everything you say it is, it isn’t.

 British Labour danced in a conservative agenda dressed in
Blood Red bondage gear.
 Another Christian evangelical called Blair,
In league with Bush and Cheney.

Hello...corporal Malvern.
We have seen your continued conservative trickery
Over 34 years.

Every day in Britain, under the boot of the Big
London Banks, the Christian American Business
The discrimination against minorities,
Against self owning ones, against social co-operatives

From Thatcher to Major, to Blair, to Brown and Cameron.

No change in the crying game, the lies, the support
Of military intervention for private interest
Continued useless and failed Multi Billion Pound
War on some drugs, and the Irony of British Opium history
Poppy fields and Government Heroin cartels.

Oh, don’t start me to talking,
And backing up my lines with historical evidence.
Labour/Conservative, what is the difference?
 Politics has become a business game show,
Played by some families with large fortunes.

Why do we love our Royalty so much?
And so our political leaders and goons that beg pardons
Beg spies and join the privileged classes.

The language of Army Majors, the 
Mind of a serial killer and temper of a psychopath.
The role of a modern representative is best described as
Henchmen of the Devil and his Lawyer Run Apocalypse

Lo! The gravity of the situation 
The measure of damage and death, destruction
 Globally based on British rule  
Balanced with the great help we give foreign nations?
Our Industry and Heritage is the double cross system.

Getting the otherside to work for us, 
Laywer Run Capitalism and Banking Monopoly
 American, Dutch and Swiss Banks.

 American, Dutch and English slavery history? 
Why make a man work for what is inherently his?
The Earth and God within, without and throughout all men
All space and time?
What of light? Who owns light? 
Can you really buy a star and name it?
What if the stars named you?
What is a Stourbridge Clay Kitchenette?

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