Monday, July 12, 2010

UK demoloshion of swimming pools for leisure clubs.

The theme of this blog and most of my writings and my activities include swimming.  I have been involved in campaigning to save three pools in the Dudley burrough, Stourbridge, Brierley Hill and Coseley.

From my experience meeting and listening to councillors, M.P's and reading the news press, and protesting I have concluded that lawyer run capitalism, and the 'leisure and tourism' business in the UK is for the most part responsible for this national closure of 'swimming pools' in favour 'fun pools, before the 2008 economic heist, this process of removing 'free' public services has been on-going and has a complex of 'origins.

Generally I presume the process of 'privatization' and the wrestling of the 'agency for change' from the people, in effect turning us into property. The degradation of the consumer as well as the product.  I have seen this process eat away at the 'economy' with private off-shore banking, public services with private investors, health and nutrition with 'private' health clubs, social community injury's inflicted by 'private' surveilance, private 'security', private 'clubs' and private 'pubs'. Profit based death-cogs in the super-rich, super-major corporate ooze that's eating up global resources and turning the UK into a mini American satellite state, one giant mall with the occasional internement camp linking the parts together.

I don't presume that voting can make a difference in this process. I suggest that every individual must familiarize themselves with some simple questions:

1. Who distributes it?
2. How?
3. How did it get that way?
4. A hieracrhy of values?
A swimming pool that sparked protests when it was threatened with closure has failed to sell at auction.
Campaigners rallied to save Edwardsville Swimming Pool in Treharris, Merthyr Tydfil, but were unable to secure enough money to keep it open.
Merthyr council closed the pool to make way for a new £30m leisure complex.

Meeting discusses Leeds sports centre community plans

* Social enterprise plans ambitious £1.5m scheme for threatened South Leeds Sports Centre
* Organiser 80 per cent certain community ownership will go ahead
Beeston residents last night attended a public meeting to discuss plans for the community to take control of a sports centre threatened with closure.

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