Got up, had tea and granola. Checked email. Washed and went to the toilet for a number two. Smoked a small roll-up with a thin lacing of Indica. Found the Cannabis Diaries by Debra Bell linked into Google news articles and started to read them. Chatted with friends about the issue of Cannabis and cannabis propaganda in the form of books that are promoted by the newspress, due to the overblown sensationalism and perfect media frenzy about them. Had a cup of coffee and talked a little of the war on some people who use some drugs.
Read a news item about Alister Campbell's defence of Tony Blair that gave me a slight headache after reading. I typed 'Cannabis' into my google news window and found hundreds of articles showing the law enforcement at work, jailing kids, kicking down doors and panicking about a few plants that tend to produce thinking in those that consume them.
I ate a waffle, and then started to write about faith-based drug policy and the correspondence with faith-based political policy, leading to the illegal wars and world banking crash. I played some music by the Meters and turned the volume up a little. Then, my phone rang and my mum told me sad news. I wept a little, gathered myself and continued where I had left off with an article about Cannabis and 'Faith-based' drug policy and the horrors of prohibition and the war on some people who use some drugs. It starts like this:
"Faith-based drug policy and faith-based war policy are responsible for the untold deaths of Millions of people and the suffering of Billions more around the world today.
Add to the physical damage inflicted upon cities, homes and people the dramatic effects upon global finance, global climate change and geo-politics. The mind boggles at what humanity might achieve if it were to plough money and resources currently spent on warfare and drug prohibition, two of the most obvious failures and weak points of human civilization.
Bertrand Russell, the brilliant Philosopher, once said that the greatest accomplishment of the 20th century is 'suspended judgement' and inversely, I might add that 'blind faith-based judgements' have led to the worse atrocities of the 20th & 21st centuries.
In the 21st century, George W. Bush and Tony Blair, both confessed practicing religious followers have been responsible for the worst faith-based judgements possible: the decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq leading to the global mess described above."
Next thing I know I'm rolling another joint, my second of the day as I felt a creative surge coming on, to try to write this stuff out and bring some balance here to this madness. Especially after reading the Cannabis Diaries by Ms. Bell and the rapid spread of the book and the far-right conservative views within it, throughout the media sphere, as if it were supported by the Government and the Newspress in a way that any other book about cannabis, would not. Unless a celebrity was involved somehow.
In fact, in my experience living in the UK for 24 years, the British Government and the British press suppress any positive drug research, or anything presenting an alternative to prohibition and zero tolerance. Professor David Nutt however, seems to me to be a special case, where the public get a small taste of how Governments really operate when it comes to drugs and changing human consciousness through using lies.
The British Institute of Psychiatry has a disgusting history of misuse and abuse of drugs, especially during and shortly after the second world war, paralleled only by the deranged CIA' MK-Ultra programme where drugs were administered to people without their knowledge and combined with torture and horrific surgical procedures. Meanwhile, both the US and UK governments continue a prohibitionist stance on some of these drugs that they use in clandestine operations and often as bait, to lure in more potential criminals to keep the crooked criminal (in)justice system turning. I think.
So, here's what I wrote about two hours ago, based upon the so called 'Cannabis Diaries' by Debra Bell.
"I would place Debra Bell, with Jacqui Smith, who some might say look alike (as police detectives?) with a common faith-based war against scientific research ever taking a foothold in the creation of responsible British drug policy. The word 'responsible' is suspiciously missing from the words 'Drug Policy'I might replace the word 'responsible' with faith-based in the UK and US models. (although America is making some progress with responsible Cannabis drug policy)
Jacqui and Debra both exhibit a similar faith based psychological condition, sending them on a faith based mission to fight a medicinal plant, a plant that can be of great benefit to humanity, if used in the right set and setting, like all other media that interact with human consciousness. Not to mention the infinite benefits of Hemp.
AN OPEN LETTER TO DEBRA BELL, author of the Cannabis Diaries.
HI Debra, debra @ talking about
Hi, I live and work in Amsterdam within the Cannabis Culture/industry.
I notice that you have a new book and a multimedia campaign to forward your views on Cannabis, but alas, I don't yet see a public forum for proper debate and feedback, which is strange to me as you seem to want to talk' about cannabis, according to your books title. So...
I would like to invite your son, William, your husband and yourself, plus anybody else who would like join to me here in Amsterdam, to possibly talk about your new book and cannabis at an open forum. We'll even record the events and/or stream them live on internet if you like.
My personal view is that the United Kingdom spearheads the war on some people who use some drugs, along with the United States, and who coincidentally, spearheaded the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you see a link between these two phenomena? because I do, and it makes a mockery of the law, fairness, equality and every principle of what humanity stands for.
Also would you comment on the sacking of the independent drugs advisor David Nutt by the British Government, possibly due to his intelligent comments about Cannabis and other drugs, and also maybe on the Governments bigoted inability to accept scientific research in favour of faith-based policy, precisely as they ignored international law and intelligent legal advise concerning invading another country.
Just out of curiosity Debra, do you support the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan by British forces? I apologise if you see this as a digression, but for most Cannabis users and supporters I have found that they also oppose the war, another strange coincidence you might say. As a supporter of prohibition, I wonder if you support the war too? Maybe you do not support these wars?
I understand that your book is anecdotal, and that your simply writing a diary of your experiences. But, due to your further pronouncements on Cannabis and outreaching programme (talking about cannabis) I feel that you want to get involved in the bigger picture with politics, law and policy making, psychology, sociology, neuro-science etc. Yet, as simply a writer of diaries, I can't see any reason why others should pay any attention to what your saying in the sense of good scientific research, good clear and balanced information and the broader question of (responsible) drug policy? Why does the FRANK website not have a free response forum? or a free comments page, to increase the ability for first responders?I'll counter every story of a mother or parent you mention, that feels happy that they have found your Cannabis Diaries, due to similar nightmare experiences, or bad fallout from the war on some people who use some drugs, with a story of parent who has thanked me, personally for giving their son or daughter Cannabis in a safe and responsible setting, here in Amsterdam, and left happy, together, as a family. This reinforces my view, contrary to prohibition, that some drugs in the right set and setting can help build family bonds, and help diffuse the build up of some tensions, bringing relaxation, humor and a greater ability to suspend judgement.
Finally I would like to address William, your son: 'Like what you like, enjoy what you enjoy and don't take crap from anybody' I implore you to write back. Start writing and publishing, maybe attempt some poetry, make a small movie and post it on youtube, Yes, you can, love Steven"
Drugs and the future: brain science, addiction and society. By David J. Nutt
The Beatles Diary: The Beatles years / Barry Miles
By Barry Miles, Keith Badman
Cannabis and cannabinoids: pharmacology, toxicology, and therapeutic potential. By Franjo Grotenhermen, Ethan Russo
Cannabis in medical practice. By Mary Lynn Mathre
America's Longest War. By Steven B. Duke, Albert C. Gross
Cannabinoids. By Mary Ellen Abood, Roger G. Pertwee
Conversations with Tennessee Williams. By Tennessee Williams, Albert J. Devlin