Tuesday, October 7, 2008


2012 Olympic village may have to be nationalised

* Nick Mathiason
* The Observer,
* Sunday October 5 2008

A crucial funding meeting chaired by Chancellor Alistair Darling, will next week hear proposals to nationalise the Olympic village.

The move would create a £750m black hole in Olympic finances, putting pressure not just on the £9.35bn budget for 2012, but also on other government departments to make up the shortfall.

The ministerial meeting on 15 October will hear funding options from Partnerships UK, the Treasury agency. Other possibilities to be discussed include postponing a funding decision until bank debt becomes cheaper. A decision will be made at the end of the year.

Current funding for the £1bn development envisages Australian property giant Lend Lease, which built the Sydney Olympic facilities, committing £250m of its own money towards the cost with a similar amount coming from government. But Lend Lease has struggled this year to secure the remaining £500m from banks amid the worsening financial crisis and all the money might now have to come from government - in which eventuality it would take total control of the development.

Lend Lease has a legally binding contract to fund the village that, according to Whitehall sources, expires in three months. The Olympic village is hard to finance because after the Games 3,200 homes in east London will go on the market simultaneously. Such a large number could depress property prices, despite a housing shortage in the area.

The Olympic financial crisis has not delayed construction of the village. Lend Lease has a separate contract to manage the project and is ahead of schedule.

The Treasury is reluctant to make up any shortfall entirely from the £2.7bn Olympic contingency fund. Options include raising money from the Homes and Communities Agency and London Mayor Boris Johnson's housing budget.

The Australian property giant, like most companies in the property sector, is facing problems in the wake of the global financial crisis.

A Treasury spokesman said: 'Given the impact of the global economic downturn in the UK, additional public investment may be needed to help fund the Olympic village.'

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What can we learn from the 2016 Olympic Games?

What can we learn from the 2016 Olympic Games?

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Remixed to read OILYMPIC GAMES?:
What socio-economic factors influence a nations sports team?
How many of the earths natural resources have to be canned,
Shipped off, traded for the wealth to build Oilympic sports facilities?

Olympic GENES?
How does a nations GENETIC heritage influence its sports team?
Do more diverse and multi-racial gene pools create better athletes,
Or does specialist BREEDING create better results (Like with HORSES)

Olympic Droids?
How does modern technology influence sports people, equipment, swim-suits?
How do you define technology, and what is the limits of an unfair advantage?

How does warfare and conquered territories, countries, nations and
NEW DIVISIONS influence a Sports-Team from any given region.
How does the sports persons FLAG and Symbology relate to that sports-person?

What and where will be the political HOT POTATO in 2012?
Military Invasions another country, Political rallies, Apologetic Banks?
Iraq, Iran, China, Africa, South America, Syria, Israel,
Consciousness, language, neurologic, magik and poetry?

The greatets media spectackles often become the biggest lies to my eyes!
As the world glances at any Olympic city, the most patriotic, stereotypical
And good for business ideals appear. With lights, dancing, and a false staged party atmosphere, as no competitor, judge nor IOC Tsar really knows how to party
Like LONDON does.

I suspect that LONDON will be locked down in a super-tight
Suspended state of being, during the 2012 games.
Royalty, faith and bloody good international business relations
Take precendent, from watching my 6th Oilympic Flames burn across
TV screens...

I loved watching the sports activities, and i will be paying tribute to
Each and every one of them, with love and respect and attension to the
Individual dedication and ability at super-human execution.

I hope athletes find their tongues,
For poetry and art, plus sports.
Theology chanting while playing Tennis?

No gold,


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

OLYMPIC GAMES 2008. China and the Gorillaz.

The release of the new Gorillaz album (MONKEY)
In sync with the closing of the Beijing Olympics 2008
Seems a smart collaboration between the BBC
And the Gorillaz.

What will they cook up for LONDON 2012?

I originally posted a blog at my myspace account
Thursday, June 28, 2007 titled.... MONKEY: JOURNEY TO THE WEST. I was very excited about Jamie Hewlett and the Gorillaz working on one of the great CHINESE CLASSICS of literature and also that my mate CHU had worked with Jamie on a promotional painted MONKEY TRAIN! (A virgin train decorated with characters from MONKEY: JOURNEY TO THE WEST) see CHU's YOUTUBE video!

Best known for their collaborative music project,
Gorillaz’s Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn have been commissioned by BBC Sports to create a short animated film for the upcoming Beijing Olympics. Based on the classic Chinese tale, “Journey to the West,” the new story is entitled “Journey to the East” and features a more modern-looking Monkey King, who must travel on a cloud to the newly opened Bird’s Nest. -- www.psfk.com

I hope that Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett get around to re-producing some more of the great Chinese Classics, and other healthy cross-cultural exchanges can proceeed.


By Steven James Pratt.
Thursday, June 28, 2007.

"Well, it's about Ezra Pound and James Joyce, whom I regard as the two major innovators of twentieth century literature. And oddly they both had a very powerful influence on Marshall McLuhan who has influenced how we think about all media, especially internet, even though internet didn't begin to develop until after McLuhan was dead. - Robert Anton Wilson, speaking of his "Tale of The Tribe." - RAW Utopia Interview 2001

Classic Oriental theatre and picture/poems rendered into a Hip Opera. Monkey: Journey to the West, in (2007), and so on through the emerald jungle of Orientalism and Modernism, now glossed with wind and rain of Wikipedia, Google, Youtube, Google maps, blogs, hyperlight communications. Next maybe the Vedas, the Sutras, the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Popol Vuh, Finnegans Wake i hope, the classics are made KNU. The entire Worlds classics of literature REANIMATED. A new paradigm shift, equivalent to mass enlightenment in some kind of Buddhist sense, illumination, lights, simply new light. If we could just choose to see it that way and awaken to the lower powered lights. Greet these holographic entities and make them welcome, they are here to stay with the tech support mist of mind. Monkeys in the mist. Fresh air rushes in-coming, the virus of language sneezed from outerspice. The end of word. burp!

Monkey: Journey to the West Provides a new kind of band, and a new kind of Opera, a backdrop this week upon which to hang a bunch of important yellow colored questions facing mankind: Virtual Reality and Oriental Reality. Stereotypes. Race. Individuality. Statemanship? Who distributes it, how?

"Peace comes of communication."-- Ezra Pound

Every-things happening everywhere nowadays! Like in Finnegans Wake. So Knu pist modem to to show a bit of gnu-historical glow and knu-contextual flowing relationships sailing to our subject matter of eve're:thing. See "Google", "Wikipedia" etc. (The internet of things). The Oracle of surprise information.

"We have speculated that the vacuum fluctuation of space-time is a holographic modular hierarchy whose individual levels posses properties in common with the King Wen sequence of the I Ching and morphology of DNA. - Terence and Dennis Mckenna, Invisible Landscape. mckenna.psychedelic-library

The Epic tale Journey to the West, both in the 1580's and the 2007's spills out of the conventional stage box with wet and wild light-spewings from all quarters, metamorphoses, telepathy, sympathetic magic, levitation, spells, Sacred Elixirs, Autopoiesis,love potions, telekinesis, sign language, teleportation, Crypto-zoological nightmares, wild psychedelic visions and alien voices, transbutation, animism, direct communication with space Gods, weather gods, insect gods, mountain Gods and MONKEY gods, Gorilla "Gods" all sorts of Nature "gods" often called AVATARS in the more Easterly quarters. Interplanetary sentient web 3, a flurry of Angels, a paradigm shift, a re-orientation and redefinition of our collective internet of things, our reality engines. Identity? Am i google now? If i think of it?

"The idea of representative government after we overthrew the monarchy was: we'll have representatives who will represent us. In the first place, they don't represent us! They represent the corporations who pay their campaign finance. And in the second place we don't need anybody to represent us. Now that we've got internet we can represent ourselves. So I think all those people should be thrown the hell out of office and forced to make a living as honest men and women do, rather than by lying to the gullible and selling them out to the corporations, and we can represent ourselves through internet.

As a matter of fact, Buckminster Fuller--one of the most brilliant people of the twentieth century, often compared to Leonardo da Vinci and Benjamin Franklin for the extent of the fields in which he was an expert, he was an expert in at least a dozen fields--one of his last books has that theme. He calls it desovereignization: getting rid of human representatives and representing ourselves though electronic media. So I am not as original as I sometimes think I am.
- RAW Utopia Interview 2001

Gorillaz are not the first virtual band they are one of the first really enlightened band, literally. They are light beings. Part human origin, part non-human, for the most part-unknown, artificially represented as present, being there. (avatar): Spooks, Phantoms, Projections, alien hyperlight beings etc. Not of the word. Beings of Monkey magic-LIGHT. Gorillaz are Aliens from another dimension. They have landed again. They are mythical magical beings; they have a strange new hemisemi-fictionalized history, partly based on real flesh and bloody humans but humans who sometimes pretend and imitate themselves and so making them also satisfactorily "unreal" and so falsifyable, and so "Real" again! and around we go! but they make up for this confusion with a very convincingly real presence when on the stage communicating through sound-waves and music. But writing about music is like blowing smoke rings about architecture so i'll leave that for crumbling music press. Monkey: Journey to the West seems more Real and interactive and present NOW than most political Puppets on the world stage in 2007. The hologramic projection equipment and the magic (Peppers Ghost Technology) provide Gorillaz with Monkey Magic, new creation engines, partly programmed by a real Chinese master - Chen Shi-Zheng. Gorrilaz' combine with the incredibly rich and incredibly vast portal of new discovery and rediscovery of The Orient, via Chen Shi-Zheng.

Joyce's Epiphany, McLuhan's "Electronic Orientalism" and the human tech-support team helping to translate and propagate a new hyperlite from a newBudust'" Sutra. Follow the journey of Wu Cheng'en and his experiences with a totalitarian Chinese culture intolerant of great poetry in a similar way to how totalitarian America was mostly Intolerant of Ezra Pound and totalitarian Great Britain was Intolerant of Oscar Wilde and other great genius of world literature.

Monsters and demons are trying to obtain immortality by eating flesh! This provides a large part of the plot in Monkey: Journey to the West. I am familiar with Immortality themes within some mythological contexts and some cannibalism in mythology and fairy lore may can be glossed as the trickery of prankster drug cultists who created "False" etymologies for certain species of sacred fruits to keep them hidden and hidden. Entheogens are chemical and biological candidates in for real ingredients within real wet dazzling "Immortality Elixirs" like Ayahuasca or other psychoactive brews, teas and snuffs. In both the (biological) reality of the damp forest and the freshly perfumed hillside and in the digitally remodeled virtual reality of the myth space/time including history Also see RAW's essay on why Hannibal Lector would make a better President than George W. Bush!

"The forces which produce the branch-angles of an oak lay potent in the acorn. Similar lines of resistance, half curbing the out-pressing vitalities, govern the branching of rivers and of nations. Thus a nerve, a wire, a roadway, and a clearing-house are only varying channels which communication forces for itself. This is more than analogy, it is identity of structure. - Ernest Fenollosa, Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry.

Monkey teached me to revisit the relationship between words and images and things. Poetry in the print media world now a unique kind of bridge-space between words and images. A GLUE that binds cultures, languages, history, religion, Law and science all together, a tale of a tribe, a modern verse epic, a cultural encyclopedia. See "The Cantos and Finnegans Wake! Something more than the sentencing masses. Monkey: Journey to the West has some of the qualities of a Modern verse epic and due to its 2007 web 2 re-release and digital transmission by hyperlight communication around the globe millions of times in a minute into outer-space/time; Monkey: Journey to the West (An OPERA feat. The Gorillaz), is something the pre-internet poets such as Joyce, Pound, Po and Crowley and hundreds more seemed to be dreaming of in their folded up catapillar form. The crystal ball of freely available classics.,

Classics of world literature, poetry and tribal encyclopedias, e-post, e-modernism and the beginning of a new Global Theatre perhaps, the electronic age as the coming of the hyperlight age, youtube, facebook, myspace, google, wikipedia, flikr, photobucket, e-bay, and bluetoothing wireless "everyware" (Sterling 2006).
Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage. -- Henry Louis Mencken

Imagism in the early 20th Century was heavily influenced by the relatively unknown, Ernest Fenollosa partly revived by Robert Anton Wilson and more directly by Ezra Pound who famously included many pictograms or word/images in his grand synthesis "The Cantos": A Globally oriented praxis of language and culture including Oriental cultures, especially Chinese languages. (which was a center study text in Wilson's course "The Tale of the Tribe" at Maybelogic Academy in 2004. I have come around and around to thinking that uncle Bob encouraged others to read and re-read Pounds Cantos so as to be sufficiently equipped with a single bound poetic guide (an oracle) to help us and our new emerging multicultural global community (VILLAGE) and our own relative comprehension of "reality" and "History" to boot as we crawl through the sewage of the 20th into the new 21st century e.v.Finnegans Wake is the other single bound Oracle that Robert Anton Wilson recommends. I would add his "Illuminatus!" to make three blinding bound Oracles for better processing 21st century life.

"For centuries, the epic tale of the Monkey King's journey of enlightenment has been an omnipresent part of Chinese culture, delighting young and old with its heady mix of adventure, mystery and magic," said the Manchester International Festival's website. - cartridgemonkey.com

Alphabet and ideogram meat again stuck in web 2, Finn again for humanity to move forwards again and to get around the obstacles and roadblocks blocking our communication canals again.

I use the term Gorillaz' to mean Human beings and alien light beings, a part of the many collaborators who are Gorillaz tech-support mist in some sense, the production crew, the multiple personalities behind the metaphorical curtain of a 21st Century virtual band.

Monkey: Journey to the West maybe a knu catalyst for a new paradigm shift in the western lands if we see it clearly due to the new means of community within which classic literature from the Orient and all over thw world can begin to weave its magic "binding" qualities. Everyware! And catalyze the sort of cultural exchange and feedback the modernists would have liked, i guess. The classics of Oriental culture translated for a Western world word 3 experiencing alphabet psychosis.

"You cannot own the power and the magic of this world. It is always available, but it does not belong to anyone." - Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Fly Agaric 23 Wed 27 June 2007.

"Internet belongs to the people that use it. Nobody has found an effective way of policing it, and they never will as far as I can see. Any way of controlling internet would involve creating a world government and the people who most want to censor opinions are the most opposed to world government. So they can't do it that way. If they try to do it any other way they'll wreck most major corporations that depend so much on internet to do business. So it can't be done.

Internet is going to remain free, and I believe, I've believed since I was in my early twenties, that everything that accelerates the flow of information and communication benefits the human race, and every communication jam damages us. So internet is the greatest tool, or device, or gimmick, or whatever you want to call it, for accelerating the flow of information between peoples. It is, I think, the most revolutionary force in the history of humanity since the invention of the wheel--especially when Asia and Africa get online in a major way. That's what I really look forward to."
-RAW Utopia Interview 2001


Monday, August 11, 2008

Amrta, that is nectar!

"Amrta, that is nectar" --Ez, Canto CXII

Canto CXII has approx. 30 lines, 2 Chinese Ideograms and 2 Naxi Pictographs.
It comes toward the last pages of Ezra Pound's "Tale of the Tribe".
A book i have been reading and reading about for 4 years now.
Unless, indirectly through the writing of Robert Anton Wilson,
i have been preparing to read and write about
"The Tale of the Tribe" for approx. 8 years now?

It strikes me today preparing this post
how i was so close, but so far from the contents of canto CXII
living in San Francisco in a small apartment that had a copy of
Pound's Cantos (my first ever glance at the book) Jan. 2001 A.D.
I have seemingly come full circle in 2008, back to that glancing moment
by way of Naxi and Canto CXII (112) by Ezra Pound.
My mind boggles at what might have been in the other books upon
that bookshelf? or what i may have learn't if i would have listened
to my partner at that time.

Within canto CXIi and the force-field of literature
and criticism surrounding it all like gas,
i arrive back at the beginning of my contact with the text.
And with a beautiful young lady.

'From her breath were the goddesses La mun mi" --EZ, CXII.

"Religious scriptures suggest that the Llü-bu were female shamans who practised divination, exorcism, and other rites in a trance. By the early nineteenth century, the Dongba priests had created a huge religious vocabulary accompanied by a variety of rituals, and had largely displaced the Llü-bu.-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakhi#Festivals

in the clear air over Li Chiang"--Ez, CXII, line 17

Lijiang in remote southwest China has been a hot tourist destination ever since its inclusion in the list of UNESCO’s World Heritage sites. Many have attributed this distiction to the legacy of the American botanist Joseph Rock (1884-1962), including his monographs and books about the Naxi ethnic group inhabiting the Lijiang area. Some have also linked this honor to Forgotten kingdom, a 1955 book by the Belarus-born traveller Peter Goullart. Few are aware of Pound’s contribution to this glory. Among the beautiful lyrics of Pound’s final cantos are those about the landscape of Lijiand and the strange culture of the Naxi.-- Zhaoming Qian. P. H. Fang and the Naxi Rites in the Cantos.

Music appears to contribute a refreshingly large part of the Naxi language and culture and scripture. Maybe Ez liked the Singing matter, shouting matter, and strange ceremony of these Shamans because they embody his rather strict conditions for a "Tale of the tribe"? An aboriginal tribe of magico-shaman-painter-poets? Muan Bpo & co.

"Nakhi music is 500 years old, and with its mixture of literary lyrics, poetic topics, and musical styles from the Tang, Song, and Yuan dynasties, as well as some Tibetan influences, it has developed its own unique style and traits. There are three main styles: Baisha, Dongjing, and Huangjing, all using traditional Chinese instruments. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakhi#Music

"EP to P. H. Fang
15 July [1958]

Dear Fang
I have found your Muen Bpo & KA MA gyu in my luggage. Are you in a hurry or do you merely want to know they are safe.
Sorry for confusion. Greetings to G. Giov[annini]. & La Dr[iere]. auguri [best wishes] for the most recent edition of the Fang

[signed] E Pound."

“By the temple pool, Lung Wang’s the clear discourse as jade stream --EZ, CXII Lines 21-23.
“The temples, though looking very staid and ordinary from the outside, are decorated on the interior with carvings on poles, arches and idols of gods. The decorations include depictions of episodes from epics, dancers, warriors, animals and birds, and flowers. The mural paintings depict Dongba gods, and are derived from Tibetan styles. A good example is the Delwada Temple. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakhi#Art_and_architecture

"In ancient times a hunter discovered a strange stone on Jade Dragon Mountain, and carried the stone home. On his way home, he had to put the stone down for a rest, because it was extremely heavy. When he decided to continue his trip, he could no longer lift the stone, and many thought that it was the embodiment of a god.-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakhi#Festivals

"The firm voice amid pine wood" --Ez, CXII, line 18.

"Early in 1953 Professor Giovannini took P. H Fang to Pound at St. Elizabeths Hospital. The American poet, Giovannini told Fang, had translated Li Bo’s poems and Conficius’ Analects. P. H Fang was impressed. In the next five or more years he and Josephine (officially spelt that way in US) visited Pound countless times. --Zhaoming Qian. P. H. Fang and the Naxi Rites in the Cantos.

"and this moving is
from the inward
o di diversa natura (Giordano Bruno)
And in these triangular spaces --Ezra Pound, canto CXIV

"In December 1958, after reading the Naxi cantos of Thrones, he [Fang] got so thrilled that he wrote: “I wish more cantos from you will resurrect [Lijiang], after Revolution [of 1911], Republic, the people’s Republic, Commune etc.” (letter 164). A year later he sent Pound another card, stating “my beloved country and my beloved village will be immortalized through your pen and your words” (letter 166). By then Pound had stopped communicating with the outside world. Nonetheless, his dialogue with the native Lijiang was destined to endure. The memorable Naxi passages in the final cantos should be viewed as his responses to P. H Fang’s appreciative greeting. --Zhaoming Qian, P. H. Fang and the Naxi Rites in the Cantos. (Ezra Pound’s Chinese Friends. Oxford 2008).

"The forces which produce the branch-angles of an oak lay potent in the acorn. Similar lines of resistance, half curbing the out-pressing vitalities, govern the branching of rivers and of nations. Thus a nerve, a wire, a roadway, and a clearing-house are only varying channels which communication forces for itself. This is more than analogy, it is identity of structure. --Ernest Fenollosa, The Chinese Written Character as a medium for Poetry.

"And the road upper apple-boughs

mostly grass-covered

And the olives to windward

Kalenda Maja

Li Sao, Li Sao, for sorrow

but there is something intelligent in the cherry-stone -- EZ, Canto CXIII

Pao-hsien Fang and the Naxi Rites in Ezra Pound's Cantos
Author: Qian, Zhaoming

Source: DQR Studies in Literature, Modernism Revisited. Transgressing Boundaries and Strategies of Renewal in American Poetry. Edited by Viorica Patea and Paul Scott Derrick , pp. 73-90(18)
Publisher: Rodopi

Naxi and Moso Ethnography, Kin, Rites, Pictographs

By Michael Oppitz and Ellisabeth Hsu. Maps, b/w photographs, pictographs (by Mu Chen), bibliography, index, names of ceremonies, ritual chants and dances. The Naxi of northwest Yunnan are known for their ritual specialists or priests named dto-mba who have practiced their rites using texts written in pictographs. The Moso, considered to be a branch of the Naxi, live to the northeast of the Naxi. -- http://www.mandarinbooks.cn/zencart/index.php?main_page=product_book_info&products_id=262

This is the first in a series of articles that will present singularly fascinating industrial hemp items from private or public collections. Almost any category of curiosity can qualify as long as it is made of hemp and/or used only for hemp related activities and as long as it is accompanied by sharp photos and a short article. The Naxi God's Road funerary scroll pictured and described in this article is an excellent example of a fashinating hempen collectible. It is genuinely made of hemp, it is obscure enough to be rare, it is well enough documented so that an interesting history presents itself, similar pieces from public collections have been published, it was recently purchased and most importantly-fellow hemp collectors still have enough of a chance of finding another one to continue searching.

Journal Title:
Journal of Industrial Hemp:
production, processing, and products ... official journal of the International Hemp Association
Volume: 8 Issue: 2
ISSN: 1537-7881 Pub Date: 3/1/2003

The Nakhi are thought to have come originally from Tibet, and until recently maintained overland trading links with Lhasa and India. They were brought to the attention of the world by two men: the American botanist Joseph Rock, and the Russian Taoist doctor Peter Goullart, both of whom lived in Lijiang and travelled throughout the area during the early 20th century. Peter Goullart's book Forgotten Kingdom describes the life and beliefs of the Nakhi and neighbouring peoples, while Joseph Rock's legacy includes diaries, maps, and photographs of the region.

The Nakhi form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by the People's Republic of China. The official Chinese government classification classes the Mosuo as part of the Nakhi people. However, despite similar origins and very striking resemblances from a linguistic point of view, the two groups are now culturally distinct, the Nakhi more influenced by Han Chinese culture, the Mosuo more influenced by Tibetan culture. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakhi

"Amrta, that is nectar

white wind, white dew

Here from the begining, we have been here

from the begining --Ez, CXII

Canto CXII. Ezra Pound

Ideograms and pictographs drawn in ink by Acrylic Figa. I apologise for the different spacing and page settings that EZ intended. I hope to rectify this at a later date.--fly

...owl, and wagtail

and huo3-hu2, the fire-fox

Amrta, that is nectar

white wind, white dew

Here from the begining, we have been here

from the begining

From her breath were the goddesses

2La 2mun 3mi

if we did not perform 2Ndaw 1bpo

nothing is solid

without 2Muan 1bpo

no reality

Agility, that is from the juniper,

rice grows and the land is invisible

By the pomegranate water,

in the clear air

Over Li Chiang

The firm voice amid pine wood,

many springs are at the foot of

Hsiang Shan

By the temple pool, Lung Wang’s

the clear discourse

as Jade stream



Winnowed in fate’s tray



Ezra Pound. From canto CXII.

HOWORDS WEI. From Maybelogic Quarterly 2006.

Àpollo versed himself into fish with womb
Piloting poets to DELPHI:
The womb of the Wor.ld
A Womb governing the Oracle of Delphi
Meaning womb
Sauce of Life and Wisdome

Dolphin flipped into FISH WITH A WOMB by greek logic
The damnable Navy seals and their repulsive poison and accursed ear-wax
Mistranslate dolphin into
Shamefully perverting a smiling samaritan and guardian of ships into
Destroyer of ship's
Smiling merchant of death
Evil and further devilry in the sickly name of national kaution
Li Sao Li Sao for sorrow
Our only security is change

Sucking my pink thumb i evoke
A Babel ichthus Decoding
To enable alien races to ©omunicare
Speaking with their aboriginal slangwedge
As waves begin taking form
Rising but formed
Holding their form
Foam: sparkling cristal

1494: Aldus Manutius and his Aldine pressa tipografica was sealed by
Dolphin and Anchor ideographix
Suckling pesci with a womb
And navire ancorare
Whirling Stenella longirostris twisting like DNA hélix ribbons
Mind like the whirl without the pool
A tomb without a corps
Dolphfinnegans: connaissance-without-an-objet
Mathematizing sea-good
Dolphins classified as mammifére in 1776 by Linnaeus
Mankind scrawls his taxinomie of gnumerous goodz in his book

Surfing Dolphinnegans Wake
Lactating mindfield churned inside out
And turned again into Eins Leary wide uni.verse
La Tao of Joyce
A delfino voix: JANUS

"Phil Adolphos the weary O, the leery, O,
" Dolphin in the wildsbillow
"Light a pike on porpoise
"Pannonia on this porpoise
"Can you nei do her, numb? asks Dolph
"Spirit spires Dolph
" Godolphinglad in the Hoy's Court
" Godolphing in fairlove

"Dolphin's Barncar. Wan Ceteroom;
"Cods' cradle and porpoise plain
"Simple philadolphus
"Traduced into jinglish janglage
" For the nusances of dolphins born.
" Adolphted such an Adelphus! Jerry Godolphing"

Uncertain.tea brewing the womb of future porpossebili.tea
Disentangle the Dauphine stir into Auvergnat
Adding condensed mammal latte for spiral galaxy

Original swinners with oración credentials
Traduced into jinglish janglage
For the nusances of Delphinus born
Babel mammal surfing a word warywide web
Barbarous Godolphin horse speak

And Poseidon took over the titles of le Royal Pallas
Sea beast and salmoneus the human oak king
De Dagdafinn sanghasongs of Salmon read knowledge
Percolating La Boyne Water

®osa dauphin à gros nez corkscrews up a cherry waterspout
Gyrating along the Amazon
Like a brief lived raspberryframboise ripple cascade
A Rubescent ivory strudel.
Salmoneus thrusting out its whirlpoint towards the ruddy riverun
Above the earth a garden of rose trees
Flowers blooming and dying all-at-once
Pink porpoise cloud portal hatchway for
Returning Bufeo Colorado

Dusky faces and pearl shoulder blade oscillating through upward fountains
Petals of frosted skin shed and fall
Through the coral cetoessa fontana
Glowing apricot as sunset leaves
Their ochre clings to their fuselage
Tangerine rust against the sunlight thrusting up a vertical river mouth
Godz puckered roseo lips sucking and blowing with circular breath

®osewine vortice linking heaven and terroir
The Ocean sky ladder exited by delphinidae godolphinnx
Leaving munkind a soggy porpoise corpus which reads
Cherry'O and tanks for all the fish
Tromba d'acqua dances furthur down river back out to the ocean
And makes porpoise portalz
Suckling up Cetacea With kundalini zing
Meeting the Palladium moonlight casting a crescent silhouette
Prophecie'd since Aldus printed the
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
Transduced as
poliphilidolfinnegan by Flipper
The great cétacémostro marino
Comming from Greek ketos sea-munster
God A Hikue and goddess Hiuaoioi flipping summersalts

Extraterrestre voices float on the sea aire
Festina lente as Arion's lyr
And Jason dreams upon his chrusos fleece
Deciphering from Delphine to English
The ice of the owlphin in aire is lyke whoman?
Dolpfinnz pronounce owls un ombinaxionx of owls yet
ill avin rubble ith onsonanz

Shark of the covenant appears quilted in sea-beast skins
And sacred Shoulder blades are boiled and brewed into
Delphilazarus elixir
PALLADIUM moonshine
Now Watch the waves as they roll
Ripples and eddies coiling outwards
From the galactating Dauphine constellation of
Strange aquatic attractors that inflowenced us here
Comunicación between bard and porpoise
The Intelligenz sporterspout

Dharma songs ode to Temples of Tethys
Voixed by the sweetest Goddess of la océano
Lamenting mammal babel re©orded in doggerel by hoo-ha GODMEN
As another TYPE of critter
And Pelops married Hippodamia down river
And was sad when she returned to the sea
No longer strange to rediscover fossilized PAKICETUS poems?
A genus of extinct
Cétacé poesé épica
Found in the upper Eocene of Pakistan
Once-upon-a-time part of the coast skirting
Tethys Ozean

The truth paddles around the ruins of Peos
With the Sonne in its golden wor.ld cup
La argent apples of the Le golden pomme's of the sole mixedmashed
Into a sac.red and whiffy fishélixir Finnsmoothé

Delphinus bathes close to the celestial equatore
And the same stars glittered above the noir sea
while Howard plays in electric-ultramarine waves then swimming again
Rushing up the Crathis towards the Styx
In mating season
Charged with lust up through the river bouche fresh from the mare
Making haste slowly
Dolphin kicking and jamming, in the year of the water bearer
Li Sao Li Sao for sorrow

Peace Borso Lilly
Be as eternal peace in the vortex of evolution
Li Sao
And thanks for all the poisson


  1. Shot Pot
  2. Speed Skating
  3. Bong jump
  4. High Jump
  5. Smack and field
  6. Turn-Tableguinness
  7. Marathon
  8. Sailing (smuggling)
  9. E-Question
  10. Tipple-jump
  11. Vollybowl
  12. 100m Hash
  13. Crackmington
  14. L.S.Decathalon
  15. Dopentathalon
  16. E-Jumping
  17. Gymhashsschticks
  18. Olympic rowlling
  19. Olympic Toxing
  20. Shooting
  21. Herowing
  22. Judope
  23. Trimethylathylon
  24. Weight spliffting
  25. Floor Routine: ROTFL


Let me entroduce myself, my namez spitz
Mark to the flash pint, my tongue slice slits
No swummin' pool for me to fool in so i spat my fits
When i'm finished don't be askin why Tony Blair called it quits.

Stunk drunk and disorderly im back in the bottle of witts.
Untitled Blingdom boy to fish from the heart of great black gritz
no matter what they pay me brothers, the winnings we splits.
I swear i'm mad as a fish gets.

Dangerous when wet when the sportsczar permits
Any public pool service shutting down cuz of crooked gitz
But don't worry mark my words, marked like turds,
These flake and bloodthirsty politicos blow common sense to blitz
Their rhetoric and bankspeak, newstalk and knee-jerk.
Dem eatin' roast duck while my peeps spooning grits for kicks.

I'm having fits in the pool and i commits to the role,
Of chief splasher, wave maker, backstroke slack-2-wack waterword spacka'
Wet leg speaker of peace, bring a flask or a beaker and drink your peace.

Me mark to the spitz in this bottle of whats its, wet sits
With a bunch of sap headed council-men and some other old twits
Mark never submits to the lies and slits, 8 golds in my sights.
And still i like to grind my girl every night and play breat-stroke on her tits.
Calm your laughing fix the Olympics.

My names mark so make a note, strong swimmer like TUG-BOAT
Come sail with me baby on my twelve inch clipper
Let me try your throat, loosen that overcoat
DADA is not dead.

If i had my Merry Hill pool my tongue wd/ be cool & calmer
But spitz is the name now, and i'm bringin pharmageddon skitz
With only my birthday kit on i got a point to prove,
Spitz licks the chicks to study and watch the water move in the groove.

Listen up Black Country Illympiads
Come listen to my next typeface from brainwashington,
Flive just swum back from four years on the run,
Fly swim the line and hung to dry the facts for 3.
If i ain't swimming i'm screwin, or thinkin i'm super-fly
Spitzfire to take my ego facts higher, stronger, fitter
Keep the tax lower and help the rivers flower:
The message my spitz transmits.

I want to swim man, thats all
Without no water how do you fully front crawl?
all i got left is my freestyle, first off the blocks
i don't care, i dive into rocks, mud ponds and sewers.
I takes a dive into jive turkey rap land and build.
I don't worry about my rep cuz my reps with the band,
Coming back from a foreign land to an empty pool,
what these pricks expect? i was planning swimmajik 33/3 yards.
Now its all gone bulldozed and its tragic, comic?

How about a NEW swimming pool and some money for NEW teachers
Rather than backhanded deals for Church yard preachers,
I've just had enough, i'm going off (AGAIN) puff!
Steaming out of the water like a fishy gas.
Bright Green.

Fill back up the pool, you dirty crooked bastards
Its already poverty here my dear, is that not clear t you
Schools close and your put extra tax on water,
yo, how could i survive with a son and a daughter?
Give us our water.

"Sport England say they've donated £300m in lottery money to swimming over the past twelve years. So why are we getting such a poor return on that investment. - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/politics_show/4651040.stm

--Steven Pratt. 2006.
(Edited 2008)


"The wind is part of the process
The rain is part of the process. --EZRA POUND, Canto LXXIV.

"Both Joyce and Pound felt that the traditional narrative form of epic was obsolete and replaced it with what Joyce called Epiphany and what Pound called Ideogram.
To Joyce, an epiphany meant any event however seeming trivial
which revealed something "grave and constant" in human affairs.
To Pound, an ideogram meant an event which illuminated things far
beyond what it referred to. It seems impossible to disentangle [[Joyce]]’s Epiphany from [[Pound]]’s Ideogram. --Robert Anton Wilson, Recorsi: The Tale of the Tribe.

Image: CHING MING (By fly Agaric 23)

A small selection of sporting spirits from FINNEGANS WAKE By James Joyce:

"My sights are swimming thicker on me by the
shadows to this place. I sow home slowly now by own way,
moyvalley way. --215.

"Yes, you're changing, sonhusband, and
you're turning, I can feel you, for a daughterwife from the hills
again. Imlamaya. And she is coming. Swimming in my hindmoist.
Diveltaking on me tail. Just a whisk brisk sly spry spink spank
sprint of a thing theresomere, --627.

"my pen is upt to scratch, to compound quite the makings
of a verdigrease savingsbook in the form of a pair of capri
sheep boxing gloves surrounding this matter of the Welsfusel
mascoteers and their sindybuck that saved a city for my publickers,
Nolaner and Browno, --412.

"Since alls
war that end war let sports be leisure and
bring and buy fair. Ah ah athclete, blest your
bally bathfeet! --279.

"fair dream of
sport and game and always something new. --472.

“Dom on dam,
dim in dym. And a capital part for olympics to ply at. Steadyon,
Cooloosus! Mind your stride or you'll knock. While I'm dodging
the dustbins. Look what I found! --625.

"Health, chalce, endnessnessessity! Arrive, likkypuggers, in
a poke! The folgor of the frightfools is olympically
optimominous; there is bound to be a lovleg day for mirrages in the
open; --613.

"having conned the cones and meditated the
mured and pondered the pensils and ogled the
olymp and delighted in her dianaphous and
cacchinated behind his culosses, before a
mosoleum. --261.

"wurming along gradually for our savings backtowards
motherwaters so many miles from bank and Dublin stone (olympiading
even till the eleventh dynasty to reach that thuddysickend
Hamlaugh) --84.

"I did devise my telltale sports at
evenbread to wring her withers limberly, wheatears, slapbang --550.


Image: LING By Fly Agaric 23.

"To Pound, the ideogram represents the one form of
written language that has been used to build society,
but which is also based directly upon natural forces.
Ideograms thus have a kind of double-focus,
pointing to both the world of human activity and to the
unchanging patterns of energy and fruition.
Because Pound was convinced that signs granted by
nature itself and infinitely richer than any conventionalized
notation "and from nature the sign" (CII:730) -Micheal Berstein, The Tale of The Tribe.



Race across water or sit and snooze

GREAT to see Nick Gillingham and Duncan Goodhew have spoken out about the baths closure, and I'm happy the Chronicle, Express and Star and Stourbridge News have all mucked in the campaign to save the baths. But where were YOU when the baths actually closed on December 31st, 2005? I was IN the baths, swimming, protesting IN the pool itself, not talking but swimming.

Communicating a message, but unfortunately nobody seemed interested in my protest.

I had the plug pulled on ME, as I swam, and a British Steel fence erected around me, leaving me caged in like a shark. The police were called and I just continued swimming, such is my passion for the baths I was willing to risk jail!

I challenge any MP, ex-Olympic athlete or Snoozepaper to a race across the Waterfront in Merry Hill and into the offices of Westfield. And I challenge you to publish this letter.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and an example of the kind of newspeak I have come to expect in Dudley Metro Parish. How long can we sit around and snooze while politicians and church councils dictate our futures?

Put your trunks on, grab some goggles and I'll meet you waterside!

Brierley Hill
West Midlands
United Kingdom

Stourbridge News Letters

Sunday, August 10, 2008

SAVE SWIMMING (a poem) 7th December 2005.

--Swimming to the tenth lock.
by Steven Pratt

"The forces which produce the branch-angles of an oak lay potent in the acorn. Similar lines of resistance, half curbing the out-pressing vitalities, govern the branching of rivers and of nations. Thus a nerve, a wire, a roadway, and a clearing-house are only varying channels which communication forces for itself. This is more than analogy, it is identity of structure. --Ernest Fenollosa. Chinese Written Character As A Medium For Poetry.

The decision to close the baths is in direct conflict with advice from Sport England, whose survey proved that Dudley as a whole has poor provision of sporting water space. Our club swimmers and juniors have great prospects for achievement in 2012, - http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk

Swimming knows no grammar,
Paddling a verb; action--infinite flux of process.
Splashing to guard our swimming life!
Running finngers through a complex liquid media,
Flames and two words swim from my mouth:
Swimmajic edutainment.

Like the sudden up-blaze of fountains
Youth sprouts with harmony in water,
I learn't Swimming from pink dolphins.
In the womb i did the backstroke.

Where else can you immitate frog-kick or
Beautiful butterflie strokes with a simultaneous dollfinn kick?
The Midland District championship sponsored by Esso;
Swimming through oil, i don't think slow. Guess so?

Human moves as porpoise, hydrodynamically
You see swimmming around the blackcountry canal grooves
I picked up a slime-like scent of the transitive smells from
Industry and poverty slushing about together. Still.
Black Country cheer no matter the weather.

Times are always hard as nails around these stolen parts
Not much spacetime for music, poetry and Heart,
Most generally speaking this damn near whole wreakin
Belongs to corporate capitalist old farts. Listen up
Nuckle down, think for yourselves and start speaking.

Your mind underwater attenuates itself naturally
To local enviroment, Swimming should be guarded
And protected against injustice, misrepresentations
And exploitation by governments.

Ever thought of sport for all?
Free swimming facilities for every man,
Women and child on the planet?
Just do it! Feed and cloth the world, help some of the others!

My name and signature have not matured since the last time i wrote
Yet Today i swim like a boat, afloat i write
Swimming not winning to save us from a tidal wave of tree-paper.
Black Country revolution in the minds of the people.
Swimming is action. Speaks for itself. Fluidhydrodynamics.

Swimming is metaphor, illuminated by the structure of its language
Soaking wet facts, springboard statistics - tumble turnovers
Almost naked with nothing to hide. Easy glide past tiny bubbles
Troubles melting, everchanging. Swimming is a new language.

Swimming has meaning, its etymology is constantly visible
And in touch with the entire skin-suface, at all times.
It retains the creative impulse and process, visible and at work.
Swimming like a fish, in scales called meters or sometimes yards.

Seven leg beats to one breath
Gasping for oxygen, again
Seven kicks from each flipper
No gills, must breath oxygen
Swimming for liquid fitness
Seven propelling swishes
Pushing, pulling hydrogen,
Swimming is hard to swallow.

""Is" comes from the Aryan root as, to breathe.
"Be" is from bhu, to grow."

It seems likely to me that General public facilities
Are shutting down because the tyranny of mediaeval logic
Has turned our thought into bright Lego bricks.
Underwater everything changes due to atmospheric changes.

Leisure swimming, free and easy basking
Times are great in the Black country
Leisure time and a leisure calendar enforced by the
Leisure center between the eye socket.

Rigorous exorcise for lung-bags and deep breathing apparatus
Legs, arms, neck, feet and torso too.
Mind body spirit submerged with the other,
Blood pumping and circulating; nutrition for the chakra leisure
Centers. Swimming for immortality, the final secret,
Take of your cloths and jump in. NO DIVING.

No running, no petting, no bombing, no pushing, NO PARKING!
Life savers barking for health and safety reasons:
No embezzling, no insider-trading, no cheating, No smoking.

Double standards and double speak cannot touch me, my
Swimming troubles drowned, washed away with each stroke,
Pushing from the past, pulling into the future
With each stroke i visualize Chinese written characters.